Heart is the fundamentality of life and the room for the spirit. Its bloom is shown on the face. It fills the vessels. It is the greater yang within yang. The summer qi flows into the heart. The lungs are the fundamentality of qi and the room for the yin soul. Their bloom is show on the body hair. They fill the skin. They are the great yin within yang. The autumn qi flows into the lungs. The kidneys dominate hibernation. They are the fundamentality of storage and the room for the essence. Their bloom is shown on the hair. They fill the bones. They are the lesser yin within yin. The winter qi flows into the kidneys. The liver is the fundamentality of tolerancing fatigue and the room for the yang soul. Its bloom is shown on the nails. It fills the sinews and generates blood and qi. It is the lesser yang within yang. The spring qi flows into the liver. The spleen, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, triple burner and bladder are the fundamentality of garner and the room for the nutritive qi. They are called utensils that can transform and transmit foods. Their bloom is shown on the lips around. They fill the muscle. The soil qi flows into them. These above eleven organs are all relied on the normal germinal qi of gall bladder.
Key Words: topic on zang-fu organs and manifestations, the plain questions