Heart is the highest leader of the body, like a king, which is the key to control the spirit of awareness and systemic thinking. Lung seems to govern the country as a prime minister. Liver is like a prudent general to produce strategy. Gallbladder is like an impartial judge to make decisions… Spleen and stomach are like officers in charge of food warehouses, control the digestion, absorption, transmission and storage of nutrients from food. Large intestine is a way to transmit dross, changes dross into stool and eliminates it. Small intestine affords the food which is from stomach to further digestion; it divides pure and turbid things, and absorbs the pure one, transport the turbid one into large intestine. Kidney is a powerful official, if the essence and qi of kidney are rich, the person will be physically strong and compact multi-energy. San Jiao is prevailing in the management of waterways. Bladder is like a state official, it stores and eliminates urine. All those organs have to be coordinated with no missing.
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