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Nei Jing

The center is yellow. The soil qi gets into the spleen. The spleen opens into the mouth. The essence of soil is stored in the spleen. Diseases occur at the spine. The sweet flavor gets into the spleen. The property of the spleen is like that of soil. The spleen corresponds to the cattle in domestic animals, millet in cereals, zhen star in the sky, gong in musical scales, five in numbers, and fragrant smell in odors. So it is known that diseases of the spleen affect the muscles.

The west is white. The metal qi gets into the lungs. The lungs open into the nose. The essence of metal is stored in the lungs. Diseases occur at the back. The acrid flavor gets into the lungs. The property of the lungs is like that of metal. The lungs correspond to the fore in domestic animals, paddy rice in cereals, tai-bai star in the sky, shang in musical scales, nine in numbers, and fishy smell in odors. So it is known that disease of the lungs affect the skin and body hair.

Key Words: topic on correspondences and manifestations, Yin and Yang, the plain questions


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