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Nei Jing

Emanating and dissipating herbs with pungency and sweetness belong to yang. Emetic and laxative herbs with sourness and bitterness belong to yin.
The yang becomes ill, while the yin is overwhelming. The yin becomes ill, while the yang is overwhelming. There is heat when the yang prevails. There is cold when the yin prevails. Extreme cold leads to heat, and extreme heat leads to cold.
Cold damages the form of the body, and heat damages the qi of the body. There is pain when qi is damaged, and there is swelling when the body form is damaged. Therefore, when the swelling follows the pain, the qi is damaged first and then the body form is damaged. When the pain follows the swelling, the body form is damaged first and then the Qi is damaged.
Overwhelming wind causes stirring, overwhelming heat causes swelling, overwhelming dryness causes desiccation, overwhelming cold causes edema, and overwhelming dampness causes laxation.

Key words: topic on correspondences and manifestations, Yin and Yang, the plain questions


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