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Gynecology and Obstetrics

These 30 cases are out-patients, and the diagnosis standard bases on medical histories: dysmenorrheal gets serious gradually, hypermenorrhea or prolonged menstruation; palpation of uterus even enlargement by gynecologial examination, firm mass, pressing pain; adenomyosis is diagnosed by type-B ultrasonic examination. Treatments: activate blood, expel stasis, clear away heat and toxins by self-made prescription. Prescriptions: Tao Ren, Hong Hua, San Leng, E Zhu, raw Pu Huang, Bai Shao, Dang Gui, Pu Gong Ying, Bai Jiang Cao, Yan Hu Suo, Xue Jie (be grinded into powder) and Gan Cao. Add Shan Yao and Bai Zhu for nausea or vomiting; add Xiang Fu for obvious abdominal distention; add Chai Hu for premenstrual swollen breasts; add Wu Zhu Yu for obvious cold pain. Decoct with water, one dose a day; one treatment course is from end of the menstruation till beginning of next menstruation; the treatment lasts for 1~3 courses. Results: the total effect is 86.7%.

Key words: expelling stasis and toxins method, Chinese medicine treatment, adenomyosis

Writer: Ruiling Sun

Qingdao Railway hospital, Shandong (266002)


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