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Infectious Diseases

SARS is one kind of Infectious Disease with symptoms of fever, dry cough, lukocyte reduce, shadow can be seen in lung X-ray film.

Precaution: herbs: Guan Zhong, Ban Lan Gen, Xuan Shen, Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qian, Da Qing Ye, Ren Shen, Xi Yang Shen, fry Huang Qi. Choosing 1 or 2 herbs mentioned above for herbal tea.

Prescription: 1. Huang Qi, Ban Lan Gen, Shi Gao,  Huang Qi, Lu Gen, Mai Dong, Gan Cao. It can be used for early stage of SARS.
Prescription: 2. Huang Qi, Guan Zhong, Da Qing Ye, Yu Xing Cao, Huang Jing, Bai Bu, Sha Ren, Bai Dou Kou, Huang Qi, Gan Cao. It can be used for early stage of SARS.
Prescription: 3. Xi Yang Shen, Ji Nei Jin, prepared He Shou Wu, Guan Zhong, Xuan Shen, Huang Qin, Zhu Ye, Lu Gen, Chai Hu, Bo He, Gan Cao, it can be used for mid stage of SARS.
Prescription: 4. Tu Fu Ling, Ku Shen, Xi Yang Shen, Jin Yin Hua, Zhu Ye, Shu Da Huang, Huang Qin, Chai Hu, Ban Xia, raw Di Huang, Sha Ren, Bai Dou Kou, roasting Gan Cao. It can be used for mid and late stage of SARS.

Key words: SARS, herbs, precaution, treatment

Writer: Cankun Liu, Yuxiang Zhao
Zibo City No.1 hospital, Shandong Province (255200)


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