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Internal Medicine

1. Irregular nutrient-defensive qi type: the symptoms include acute angina, snuffle, soreness sensation of limbs; pale red mouth and pharynx mucosa, pale tongue with thin white coating, float and slow pulse. Treatment principle: expelling pathogenic factors from muscles and skin, expelling phlegm, benefiting pharynx. Main prescription: Gui Zhi Tang plus She Gan, Niu Bang Zi, Tian Zhu Huang.
2. Wind-cold astricting lungs type: the symptoms include acute angina, snuffle, cough, thin white sputum. Pale red mouth and pharynx mucosa, pale tongue with thin white coating, float-slow pulse. Treatment principle: dispersing lungs and dispelling cold, resolving sputum and benefiting pharynx. Main prescription: Xing Su San plus She Gan, Niu Bang Zi, Tian Zhu Huang.

Discussion: diagnosis of angina due to wind-cold: it is obvious acute angina, combining with snuffle, soreness sensation of limbs, cough with thin white sputum etc exterior syndrome; a routine blood test shows: leukocyte and sub-leaf are normal or low, high lymphocyte; both tonsillitises, epiglottis and vocal cords without congestion; it is acute viral pharyngitis. Only the oropharyngeal mucosa is pale red, this symptom is no accord with the syndrome of disease, it easily be missed or misdiagnosed. The writer experience that treating wind-cold exterior syndrome is the only principle, combining with signs: pale red oropharyngeal mucosa, float-slow pulse, it can be diagnosed. For interior stasis transferring to heat syndrome, adding some Lu Gen, Xuan Shen, Da Huang to main prescription, the treatment effect is evident.

Key words: Angina Due to Wind-cold, Syndrome Differentiation

Writer: Dongsheng Zhang, Shubin Huang
Yun Xiao county TCM hospital, Fujian province (363300)

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