There are 31 cases in this group who are all prostatic hyperplasia patients. The herbal prescription ingredients: Huang Bai, Hua Shi, Lian Qian Cao, Qu Mai, Chuan Niu Xi, Cang Zhu, Mu Gua, Chi Xiao Dou, Ku Shen, Zao Jiao Ci, Che Qian Zi. 1 prescription each day, oral taking 150ml each time, or the herbs mentioned above are grinded to powder, oral taking 15g each time, one time in the morning and one time in the evening. There are 10 cases in contrast group, taking Sang Ta Tablet 5mg, 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the evening. 6 months are one observation course in both groups, taking B ultrasonic examination before treatment. After 6 months’ treatment, the weight change in treatment group from before treatment to after treatment has obvious difference (P<0.05); the weight change in contrast group from before treatment to after treatment has no evident difference (P>0.05).
Key words: herbal treatment, Dispersing Fire and Resolving Dampness, , Prostatic Hyperplasia, Clinical Observation.
Writer: Dinghua Zou, Weiyong Hu, Fangming Liu, Gaode Zou, Yunmei Xue
Jiangxi medical university No.2 affiliated hospital (330006)