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Internal Medicine

Gui Zhi's feature is spicy, sweet and warm, it has function of promoting sweating and relieving exterior syndrome, warming meridians and activating collaterals. Gui Zhi exterior application is using Gui Zhi preparation on skin or orifices for treatment of disease. The dosage for Gui Zhi should be according to the patients’ disease condition, for example, when it used for bath due to wind-cold caused by exogenous attack, the dosage should be increased, the decoction time should be controlled strictly, generally, it should be decocted for 3 minutes until the scent wafts out, unless the herbal effect will decrease. The exterior method includes perfuming bath, marinating, fomenting, you can choose the treatment method according to the disease condition and affected area, or use single method, or combining several methods. If Gui Zhi is applied for exterior use, you should use it when it is hot in order to penetrate the herbal effect to interior. Gui Zhi's function is extensive when it used for exterior, it can be used for several diseases due to qi-blood stagnation caused by wind-cold attacking or yang qi deficiency, especially limbs and eye-nose disease.

Key words: Gui Zhi, Exterior Use

Writer: Senfa Ma, Guigong Lin, Yuefang Ren
Lian Cheng county Lian Feng hospital, Fujian province (366200)


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