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Internal Medicine

1. Early phase
Xiao Yao San with modification. The prescription includes Chai Hu, Bai Shao Yao, Gan Cao, Dang Gui, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Bo He, Sheng Jiang, Huang Lian, Mai Dong, Ku Shen etc.

2. Middle phase
Di Tan Tang with modification. The prescription includes Ban Xia, Dan Nan Xing, Ju Hong, Zhi Shi, Fu Ling, Ren Shen, Shi Chang Pu, Zhu Ru, Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang, Dan Shen, Chi Shao, Yuan Zhi etc.

3. Late phase
Shen Qi Pill with modification. The prescription includes Shu Di Huang, Mu Dan Pi, Shan Yao, Ze Xie, Shan Zhu Yu, Fu Ling, prepared Fu Zi, Rou Gui, Tu Si Zi, Jin Ying Zi, Gou Qi Zi, Nu Zhen Zi etc.

Key words: Senile Dementia, TCM treatment according to syndrome differentiation

Writer: Jingchuan Xu
Cheng Hai district people’s hospital, Shantou city, Guangdong province (515800)


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