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Internal Medicine

Premature beat is the common tachyarrhythmia in the clinic, complicated by many kinds of cardiovascular disease, and causes severe arrhythmia such as ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation etc. and leads to death. 68 cases of out-patients are divided into 2 groups at random. There are 38 cases in treatment group and 30 cases in control group. The general conditions of both groups are no differences by statistics processing and comparable with each other. Treatments; all the patients stop taking antiarhythmic medications 3 days before medicating as possible as they can. Apply Jia Wei Sheng Mai San in treatment group (Dang Shen, Mai Dong, Wu Wei Zi, Dan Shen, Shi Chang Pu, Suan Zao Ren, Bai Zi Ren, Yin Yang Huo and prepared Gan Cao). Apply Propafenone Hydrochloride tablets, 150mg, 4 times a day for oral. 2 weeks treatment is one course; continue to take the medicines for 2 courses. Results: (1) comparison of clinical curative effects in both groups: the clinical curative effect of Jia Wei Shen Mai San is markedly better than Propafenone Hydrochloride tablets. (2) Comparison of clinical syndromes improvements in both groups: all the syndromes in treatment group are obviously improved, and much better than the ones in control group except vertigo. (3) Adverse reactions: there is no any adverse reaction in treatment group during and after medicating. (4) following-up: 2 years after stopping taking medication, only 4 cases reoccur because of more serious primary affection by following up 36 cases. 12 cases in control group reoccur by following up 30 cases and it points out that Jia Wei Sheng Mai San has good long term curative effects.

Key words: Jia Wei Sheng Mai San, traditional Chinese herbal treatment, premature beat

Writer: Huadong Chen, Yuliang Zhang

The 421 navy hospital, Guangzhou, Guangdong province (510310)


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