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Internal Medicine

1. Treatment of hyperthyroid in control period: this stage is equal to the differentiation stage of liver fire excess and yin deficiency and yang hyperactive in Traditional Chinese medicine. The common prescription is modification of Yi Guan Jian combining with Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan: Sha Shen, Mai Dong, Tian Dong, Sheng Di Huang, Xuan Shen, Mu Dan Pi, Dan Shen, Yu Zhu, Xia Ku Cao, Bai Shao, Zhe Bei Mu; add Zhi Zi and Huang Qin for excess of liver fire; add Shi Gao and Zhi Mu for hyperorexia.

2. Treatment of hyperthyroid in dose reducing period: they are both qi and yin deficiency or liver and kidney yin deficiency in traditional Chinese medicine. The common prescriptions are Sheng Mai San and Mai Wei Di Huang Wan, and apply modification of Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan for heat deficiency. For example, Tai Zi Shen, Mai Dong, Wu Wei Zi, Xuan Shen, Sheng Di Huang, Mu Dan Pi, Nu Zhen Zi, Zao Ren, Bai Zi Ren, Gui Jia, Mu Li, Zhi Mu, Huang Bai and Shan Yao, etc.

3. Maintenance stage: it is the upkeep stage of liver and kidney yin deficiency and both deficiency of liver and kidney according to differentiation of tradition Chinese medicine. Several patients have kidney qi deficiency of deficiency of yin affecting yang or spleen deficiency. The common prescription is Yi Guan Jian, Qi Ju Di Huang Wan, Zuo Gui Wan and Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan, etc.; add Ren Shen, Huang Qi to tonify qi; add Gou Qi Zi, Tu Si Zi and Yin Yang Huo to tonify kidney qi.
Omit the treatment of western medicine.

Key words: hyperthyroid, Chinese medicine, treatment

Writer: Bingshen Huang

Luofu health hospital, Xinging, Guangdong (514537)


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