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Release Exterior & Stabilize  Exterior

Ingredients: Ma Huang, Bai Zhi, Jie Geng, Rou Gui, Gan Jiang, Hou Pu, Cang Zhu, Chen Pi, Ban Xia, Fu Ling, Zhi Ke, Gan Cao, Dang Gui, Bai Shao Yao, Chuan Xiong.

Indications: relieving exterior syndrome, warming middle jiao, resolving damp, dispersing phlegm, regulating qi and harmonizing blood. It can be used for cold-damp due to exopathogen, headache and body pain due to cold caused by internal damage, neck and back stiffness or subjective sensation of contraction, fever, no sweating, stomach-abdomen area pain, nausea, vomiting, female qi-blood disharmony, irregular menstruation, heart-abdominal pain etc.

Method and dosage: oral taking. 6-9g per time for adult, 3 times a day, dissolving in warm water and taking before meal; the dosage for children above 7 years old is half as much as adult; for children between 3 and 7 years old, the dosage should be 1/3 as much as adult.

Attention: cold and cool are prohibited, it can not be used for patient with febrile disease. It should be enclosed stored.


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