Jin Shi Chuan capsule (basic ingredients are Ji Nei Jin, alum, Chuan Xin Lian) has the function of relieving inflammation and promoting gall bladder, resolving spasm and stopping pain, resolving and excreting stone. There are 107 cases in this group, all the patients are diagnosed by abdominal B ultrasonic inspection more than 2 times, X-ray or CT scan, gall bladder radiography. Within all the cases, 23 patients are diagnosed as single piece stone, 46 patients are diagnosed as some granule state stones, 38 patients are diagnosed as sand-like stone. There are 65 cases in treatment group. Oral taking Jin Shi Chuan pure herb had evident effect. There are 42 cases in contrast group who take Dan Shi Tong capsule. Treatment result: the effective rate in treatment group is obvious better than that of contrast group (P<0.05).
Key words: Jin Shi Chuan capsule, Treatment, Gall Bladder Stone, Clinical Research
Writer: Defu Tan, Zhi,Wang Tao Chen, Chuanguo Cheng, Zonghua Chen
number 8, Da Xue Road, The Medical College of San Xia university, Yi Chang city, Hubei province (443000)
Dang Yang city TCM hospital, Hubei province