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3. brygmus pian (pericoronitis): etiological factors are fire caused by wind heat, heat excess of liver and gallbladder, damp heat in stomach and intestine. Clinical manifestations: toothache, swelling, sore throat, headache, bitter taste in the mouth, dry mouth, red tongue, yellow tongue coating, and superficial and rapid pulse. Prescriptions: Shang Qing Wan combining with Yin Qiao Pian and Long Dan Xie Gan Tang: Shan Zhi Zi, Chai Hu, Huang Qin, raw Sheng Di, Che Qian Zi, Ze Xie, Mu Tong, raw Gan Cao and Dang Gui. Red, swelling and pyorrhea of teeth, constipation due to damp heat in stomach and intestine, red tongue, yellow tongue coating and rapid pulse. Prescriptions: Liu Yi Shun Qi Tang and Jin Yin Hua: Zhi Shi, Chuan Hou Pu, Chai Hu, Huang Qin, Bai Shao, raw Gan Cao, Da Huang and Mang Xiao.
4. Tooth loosing (periodontal disease): the most common disease. Tooth loosing is caused by hyperactive of yang and yin deficiency, deficiency fire flaming. Clinical manifestations: tooth loosing of whole mouth, dry mouth, stick mouth, halitosis, excess of fire steaming teeth, occlusion weakness, hyperemia, bleeding, swelling when gets severe, red and yellow urine, constipation, pale red tongue, thin and white tongue coating or red tongue with yellow tongue coating, rapid, weak pulse or rapid and forceful pulse. Prescriptions: Liu Wei Di Huang Tang, Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan, Zhi Bai Di Huang Tang, Qing Wei San combining with Huang Lian Jie Du Tang with Jin Yin Hua, Da Huang And Mang Xiao.

The general prescriptions of toothache:

Main prescriptions: Qing Pi, Mu Dan Pi, Jing Jie, Fang Feng, Yuan Shen, dry and raw Di Huang, Shi Gao and raw Gan Cao.

Modifications: add Huang Lian and Mai Ya for upper incisor toothache; add Huang Bai and Zhi Mu for lower incisor toothache; add Long Dan Cao and Qiang Huo for toothache on upper left; add Chai Hu and Zhi zi for toothache on lower left ; add Jie Geng and Huang Qing for for toothache on upper right; add Zhi ke and Da Huang for for toothache on lower right; add Chuan Xiong and Bai Zhi for for toothache on both sides.

Key words: toothache, Shang Qing Wan, Yin Qiao Pian, Long Dan Xie Gan Tang, Liu Wei Di Huang Tang

Writer: Ruiren Liang

Traditional Chinese medicine department, health service center, Cuihui community, Luohu Traditional Chinese medicine hospital, Shenzhen (518020)


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