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Internal Medicine

This disease is the most common carcinoid of neck. This disease often breaks out in thyroid function bloom period diagnosed by type-B ultrasonic and radioisotope scan. The mass grows slowly, and the patients have no discomfort besides the few has slight pain or pressure sense. Most goiters of neck are discovered by others. Some tumors enlarge, harden, and get distended pain suddenly caused by adenoma hemorrhage. The canceration rate of adenoma is about 10%.

It is generally considered that the key points of this disease are qi stagnation, phlegm and blood stasis. Prescriptions: Hai Fu Shi, raw Du Li, Hai Zao, Kun Bu, Bei Mu, Shan Dou Gen, Tian Kui Zi, Dang Gui, Chuang Xiong, Ju Hong and Bai Yue Zha. Add Xuan Shen, raw Di Huang, Mai Dong, Huang Yao Zi, Er Zhi Wan and raw San Mai included in Xiao Ying San for liver qi stagnation. The viewpoint that relieving stagnation is one of the key points to treat thyroid adenoma, and the main prescription for relieving stagnation is Xiao Yao San with modification by differentiation. For the thyroid adenoma followed with hyperthyroidisme or hypothyroidis, do modification according to syndromes and differentiation. For the hyperthyroidisme patients, It is unfavorable to take in iodised drugs such as Hai Zao, Hai Fu Shi and Kun Bu, etc. the sea foods. And appropriate on Bie Jia, Gui Jia, Chuan Shan Jia, Quan Gua Lou, Yi Yi Ren, Bei Mu and Xia Ku Cao with good curative effects. Apply raw Di Huang, Mu Dan Pi, Chi Shao, Xian He Cao, Shui Niu Jiao, Huang Qin, Shan Zhi, prepared Ru Xiang and prepared Mo Yao, etc. for adenoma intracapsular hemorrhage.

Key words: thyroid adenoma

Writer: Minyan Zhu

Traditional Chinese medicine specialist clinic, Jiang Su transport hospital (210013)


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