Radial nerve injury is the common complication of upper limbs traumatic fractures. Fracture in middle and low humerus, fracture in upper ulna combining with dislocation of head of radius, secondary cubitusvarus and stretch in the surgery, etc are all cause radial nerve injury. The author have treated radial nerve injury by Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu with vermin drugs and received satisfying effects. All these 98 cases have the external injury history. Clinical manifestation: hypoesthesia or numbness or anesthesia of skin on radial side of hand, droping wrist without extension or extension adynamia, disstraighten of metacarpophalangeal joints of index and middle fingers, disextention or extension adynamia of thumbs, and low temperature without sweating of dorsum skin. Prescriptions: modification of Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang, raw Huang Qi, Gui Zhi, Bai Shao, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao, Gan Cao, Quan Xie, Wu Gong, Di Long and Xi Xin. Add Huang Qi, raw Bai Shao, add Chi Shao, Dan Shen and Chuan Shan Jia for stagnation of both qi and blood stagnation; add Dang Shen, Dang Gui and ji Xue Teng for deficiency of both qi and blood to enhance tonifying qi and blood; add Chuan Cao Wu, Wei Ling Xian and Tu Si Zi, etc for wind and cold stagnation. Effects: 69 cases are cured, accounting for 70.4%, 18 cases are improved, accounting for 18.3%, and 11 cases are noneffective, accounting for 11.3%.
Key words: Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang, radial nerve injury
Writer: Tianjian Zhang
Luoyang bone setting hospital, Henan province (471002)