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Internal Medicine

The author has treated 504 cases of chronic Diarrhea totally, and the disease courses are above 6 months: 90 cases are less than one year, 274 cases are 1~5 years, 124 cases are 1~5 years and 16 cases are more than 10 years; the clinical syndromes are diarrhea, abdominal distention and abdominal pain, some of them are hemafecia with purulent matter also. Treatment: prescription of Wan Xie Dan: Ba Dou 10g, Da Huang 30g, Gan Sui 10g, Da Ji 10g, Yan Hua 10g, Liu Huang 20g, Shan Yao 30g, fried Bai Zhu 30g and Shi Liu Pi 20g, etc. the 13 kinds of drugs are grinded into powder. The concrete method is to make Ba Dou into cream (or buy the Ba Dou cream in the market), grind Liu Huang into fine powder, and pickle other drugs into vinegar, fried, decoct, filter and dry them, and then put them into No. 0 capsule. 0.3g for per pill equal to 2g crude drugs in whole. 3 pills once for adult, 3 times a day, and discretionary reduction for kids; oral taking with warm water. 10 days treatment is one course, and take it for 1~3 courses continuously with 5 days break between the courses. Stop taking any other Traditional Chinese and western medicine of antidiarrheal. Avoid taking fresh, cold, oiled food and Gan Cao. Curative effects: The patients, whose diarrhea, abdominal distention and abdominal pain disappear, are 446 cases, accounting for 88.4% with the total effect of 96.3%。

Key words: Wan Xie Dan, chronic diarrhea

Writer: Mingshan Guo

Health center, Lu village, Jie shou, An hui province (236500)


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