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Internal Medicine

In these 106 cases, the average age is 36 years old, and the disease courses are 6 months to 16 years. Diagnosis standards: (1) morning stiffness for 1 hours at least (not less than 6 weeks); (2) swelling of joints (3or more than 3) (not less than 6 weeks); (3) swelling of wrist, metacarpophalangeal joints and proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints (not less than 6 weeks); (4) swelling of symmetry joints (not less than 6 weeks); (5) subcutaneous nodule (not less than 6 weeks); (6) change of hand X-ray film; (7) positive result of rheumatoid factor; the cases which have the four of the above or more than four are diagnosed as RA.

Excess of heat syndromes: joint pain, moderate swelling without red, conscious local fever or conscious no fever without averse to cold, feverish if press by hands, low fever of the whole body (less than 38 centigrade), night sweating sometimes, red tongue, thin and yellow tongue coating and slight rapid pulse. Treatments: prescription of Tong Bi Ling IV: Ren Dong Teng, Lian Qiao, Zhi Mu, Bai Hua She She Cao, Tu Yuan, Wu Gong, Bai Xian Pi, Bi Xie, Tu Fu Ling, Sheng Di, Yuan Shen, Dan Shen, Chi Shao, prepared Chuan Wu, Rou Gui, Bai Zhu, Bu Gu Zhi, Chuan Duan, Gan Cao, and wine. Make them into 500ml/per bottle. 20ml/per time, 3 times a day, take it orally, and 3 months treatment is one course. Results: the total effective rate is 98%.

Key words: rheumatoid arthritis, Tong Bi Ling IV

Writer: Shengwen Zhao, Qingli Meng, Dongping Su
Municipal Party School clinics, Anyang, Henan province (455002)
Traditional Chinese medicine hospital, Anyang, Henan province


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