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Ingredients: Niu Huang, Yu Jin, Xi Jiao, Huang Qin, Zhen Zhu Mu, Huang Lian, Zhi Zi, Zhu Sha, Bing Pian, She Xiang.

Indications: clearing heat and relieving toxicity, resolving phlegm, inducing resuscitation, calming down mind. It can be used for heat syndrome, high fever and convulsion due to evil attack pericardium, faint and delirious speech, hemiplegia, wry mouth with distorted eyes etc symptoms. We now often use it for treatment of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, Japanese Encephalitis, toxic pneumonia, toxic dysentery, cerebrovascular accident, toxic hepatitis, hepatic coma, uraemia etc which belong to heat evil pericardiac attack, then enter into ying and blood, phlegm obstructing clear orifice, heat syndrome with faint.

Method and dosage: oral taking. Honey pill: 3g each pill, 1 pill each time, 2-3 times a day; 1/4 pill per time for child under 3 years old, 1/2 pill per time for child of 4-6 years old. Granule: 1.6g per bottle, 1.6g each time, 2-3 times a day. Or, according to doctor’s order.


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