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Ingredients: Lian Qiao, Jin Yin Hua, Xuan Shen, Ku Jie Geng, Yu Jin, Huang Lian, Sheng Zhi Zi, Huang Qin, Huang Bai, Bo He, Da Huang, Zhe Bei Mu, Mu Hao, Zhu Huang, Gan Cao, Zhu Sha Powder, Xiong Huang Powder, Niu Huang, Bing Pian.

Indications: clearing pestilence, dispersing heat, relieving toxicity, calming down shock, resolving turbid, inducing resuscitation. It can be used for pestilence evil and interior heat resulting in fever, headache, red face with swollen pain etc.

Method and dosage: oral taking. 2 pills each time, 2 times a day, taking with warm water.

Attention: It should be cautiously used for patient who has no heat toxicity symptom.


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