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Clear Heat

Ingredients: Shui Niu Jiao concentrated powder, Sheng Di Huang, Fang Feng, Huang Lian, Dang Gui, Jing Jie, Lian Qiao, Chi Shao Yao, Jie Geng, Niu Bang Zi, Huang Qin, Bo He, Gan Cao.

Indications: clearing heat, relieving toxicity, relieving tumefaction, stopping pain. It can be used for child heat toxicity, sore and boil carbuncle, ulcer, local red and swollen, hot and pain, fever, aversion to cold, or red eyes, mouth ulcer, or pox and residual poison, hot sensation and thirsty.

Method and dosage: oral taking, 1 pill each time, 3 times a day, taking with warm water after smashing.

Attention: Patient with weak spleen and stomach, and pregnant woman cannot take. Enclosed storage in dry place.


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