Intractable headache is a common disease with complicated pathogens and lingering for long term, and the patients suffer from severe pain. The average age of 100 cases of intractable headache is 40 years old and last from 4 days to over 20 years, 12 years on average. Treatments: prescriptions: Jiang Can, Quan Xie, Wu Gong, Qiang Huo, Fang Feng, Chuan Xiong, Tian Ma, Tai Zi Shen, Bo He, Chai Hu and Gan Cao. Add Gou Teng, Sheng Di, Ci Shi and raw Long Mu for hypertension. Add Huang Qi, Mai Dong, Wu Wei Zi and Dang Gui. Add Yin Hua, Bai Zhi, Xin Yi and Cang Er Zi for nasosinusitis. Add Shi Gao and Zhu Ye for thirty.
Results: the total effective rate is 96%.
Key words: intractable headache, San Chong Qing Nao Tang
Writer: Xuelian Zhang, Xuelan Zhang
People’s hospital, Huaiyang, Henan (466700)