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Internal Medicine

The diagnosis standards of stranguria caused by overstrain: (1) urgency of micturition, frequency of micturition, dribbling continuous, abdominal distention and bearing-down pain as main syndromes, accompanied with fatigue in different degrees, soreness on lumbar region, distention of face, four limbs, dry throat and tongue, and irritability, etc. (2) history of attack when getting fatigue. (3) Urinary routine exam: normal, or with little protein, little white blood cell, little red blood cell, and epithelial cell, etc. (4) type-B ultrasonic exam: no any significant pathological changes are found in kidney and urine bladder. Treatments: the prescription is Yi Qi Bu Shen Qing Li Tang: Huang Qi, fried Du Zhong, Huai Hua Mi, and Che Qian Zi. The modification according to the syndromes: (1) outbreak when getting fatigue, distention of face, four limbs, and obvious fatigue are deficiency of middle qi and belong to deficiency of spleen; add the doses of Huang Qi, Bai Zhu, Dang Shen, Sheng Ma and Huang Jing. (2) Repeated outbreak in long term, soreness on lumbar region, lumbago, dry throat and dry mouth are deficiency of kidney yin; add Tu Si Zi, Sang Ji Sheng, Xuan Shen, Nu Zhen Zi and Zhi Mu. (3) vertigo, irritability and numbness of four limbs are hyperactivity of liver yang; add Xia Ku Cao, Gou Teng, Tian Ma, Ju Hua and Niu Xi. (4) adipositas, heavy body, oppressed chest and dizziness are excess of phlegm and damp in spleen; add Ban Xia, Chuan Bei, Shan Zha, Shou Wu and Qiang Huo. (5) for prostatauxe, add Chi Shao, Hong Hua and Wu Gong.

Effects: cure: the syndromes and physical symptoms disappear, three continuous routine urine tests are normal, 75 cases in total; improved: the syndromes improved, 25 cases in total.

Key words: Yi Qi Bu Shen Qing Li Tang, stranguria

Writer: Yueying Li

Government affiliated clinic, Luoyang, Henan (471000)


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