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Internal Medicine

Radioactive pneumonia is one of the common complications of chest tumor after radiation therapy. Clinic symptoms: irritating dry cough which has no relation with primary disease, fullness sensation on chest, chest pain, difficult breath, some patients have acuity cough, fever, even respiratory failure, wet and dry rale or reduced breathing sound are heard in radiation area. Treatment method: we use Yi Fei Bu Shen Tang as main method in this group, basic prescription: Dang Shen, Sheng Huang Qi, Mai Dong, Wu Wei Zi, Nu Zhen Zi, Han Lian Cao, Shan Zhu Yu, Gou Qi Zi, Jin Yin Hua, Chuan Xiong, Dan Shen. Modification according to syndrome: add Sheng Shi Gao, Chai Hu if there is fever; add Xian He Cao, fry Pu Huang if there is bloody sputum; add Ru Xiang, Mo Yao if there is chest pain; add Di Gu Pi, Zhi Mu if there is lower fever; add Ting Li Zi, Sang Bai Pi if there is asthma; add San Leng, E Zhi is there is blood stagnation; changing Dang Shen to Tai Zi Shen if there is yin deficiency.

Result: within 16 cases, there is 1 case was healed, 8 cases had obvious effect, 5 cases with effect, 2 cases without effect, total effective rate is 87.5%.

Key words: Yi Fei Bu Shen Tang, Radioactive Pneumonia

Writer: Fengda Zhao, Jianxiang Xie, Li Chen
Jiangxi medical college No.1 affiliated hospital (220006)


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