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Internal Medicine

There are 64 clinic patients and inpatients in our hospital who are in accordance with diagnosis standard of Allergic Purpura  mentioned in “Blood disease diagnosis and efficacy standards”. The patients were randomly divided into two groups of treatment group and contrast group. There are 34 patients in treatment group. Treatment method: basic prescription: Lian Qiao, Jin Yin Hua, Huang Lian, Sheng Di Huang, Mu Dan Pi, Chi Shao, Zi Cao, Di Fu Zi, Jing Jie, Fang Feng, Chan Tui, Gan Cao. Adding Shi Gao, Zhi Mu if the symptom becomes severe; adding Yan Hua Suo, Guang Mu Xiang if there is abdominal pain; adding Niu Xi, Cang Zhu if there is joint pain; adding Da Huang charcoal, San Qi powder if there is bloody stool; adding Mao Gen, Yi Mu Cao, Chi Xiao Dou if there is bloody urine. If there is severe digesting system symptoms, patient is difficult on oral taking, the decoction should be concentrated to 60ml and used for 2 times of retention enema. 5 days are one course, total 4 courses. Contrast group: prednisone 20mg, 2 times per day (the dosage for children should be reduced), treatment course are similar as that mentioned above.

Result: total effective rate for treatment group is 97.1%. Total effective rate for contrast group is 76.7%.

Key words: Method of Clearing Heat and Promoting Collaterals, Allergic Purpura

Writer: Xinming Fan, Xiaowen Zhu
TCM department, Hunan province people’s hospital (410002)


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