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Internal Medicine

Most of the spleen and stomach diseases are stagnation of both damp and heat, and they should be treated with both cooling and warming methods. For the pathological feature of both damp and heat stagnation, simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat, the bitter cold drugs and warm heat drugs should be used simultaneously, however, heavy or light of both damp and heat, and combination of phlegm, damp and stasis should be considered to evaluate and choose the drugs which can warm middle energizer, dry damp, eliminate phlegm, remove stasis, promote digestion and clear heat and fire. For the heat excess more than damp, apply bitter drugs in main and acrid drugs for complementary; for the damp excess more than heat, apply acrid drugs in main and bitter drugs for complementary. Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang, Gan Jiang Huang Qin Huang Lian Ren Shen Tang and Huang Lian Tang with modification.The prescriptions are Huang Lian, Huang Qin, Ban Xia, Gan Jiang, Wu Zhu Yu, Zhi Shi, Chen Pi, Dang Shen and Gan Cao, etc. cool blood, reduce heat and eliminate stasis for hematemesis or hematochezia due to excess of stomach fire, and add Da Huang, San Qi, Wu Ling Zhi and Pu Huang, etc. increase the dose of Gui Zhi, Su Geng, Sha Ren and Gao Liang Jiang to warm and open the meridians for excess of cold and damp. Add of Yun Ling, Chen Pi, Hou Pu and Mu Xiang, etc to promote qi, dry damp and eliminate phlegm for stagnation of phlegm. Apply Xiao Xian Xiong Tang to clear and eliminate heat and add Hua Shi, Tong Cao and Che Qian Zi for excess of summer-heat to clear away the heat; for pathogenic wind, apply acrid drugs in main, such as Fang Feng and Bo He. Pay attention for the modification: if over apply bitter cold drugs, the spleen yang will be hurt, and the damage of ascending qi will lead to server coldness in middle energizer. Over apply acrid drugs will hurt body fluid and the dryness of stomach will get more seriously to effect the ascending function.

Key words: spleen and stomach diseases

Writer: Fengying Zhao

Xiangyang hospital, Tanggu district, Tainjin (300451)


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