The writer used Ma Huang Fu Zi Xi Xin Tang combining with Sheng Mai San with modification for treatment of 64 cases, 56 cases of them were followed up for half year after treatment, certain therapeutic effect was found through the observation. Electrocardiogram shows 14 cases of sinus bradycardia combining with sinus arrest, 10 cases of sinus bradycardia combining with sinoatrial block, 30 cases of semplice sinus bradycardia, 6 cases of sinus bradycardia combining with nodal escape, 4 cases of fast or/and slow rhythm. Therapeutic method: prescription includes Ma Huang, Fu Zi, Xi Xin, toasting Gan Cao, Dang Shen, Wu Wei Zi, Mai Men Dong, Gui Zhi, Huang Qin, Chi Shao Yao, Dan Shen, Yin Yang Huo. 10 days are one course, performing another 2 course after 3 days interval.
Result: total effective rate is 87.5%.
Key words: Sick Sinus Syndrom, Herbal Medicine, Therapeutic Effect
Writer: Jiaqing Wu, Tao Jin
Lin Li county TCM hospital, Hunan Province (415200)