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Ingredients: Hui Xiang, Rou Gui, Gan Jiang (baking them in a pan at a high temperature), Bai Hu Jiao, Chuan Lian Zi, Wu Zhu Yu, Li Zhi He, Ju He, She Xiang, Zhang Dan, edible vegetable oil.

Indications: dispersing cold, stopping pain. It can be used for cold attack syndrome of fetus, abdominal pain, obstruction and blockage, colic with falling sensation, deficiency cold and Diarrhea, cold stomach and abdominal distention, coldness of four limbs, cold breath, preferring warm and aversion to cold etc.

Method and dosage: ointment: 5g per piece, exterior apply, unfreeze by warm, pasting on navel, pasting under navel for child under 1 year old.


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