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Internal Medicine

The key of the improvement of patient's condition is refraining from lose of albuminuria after severe edema subsiding due to chronic nephritis. The author has treated 130 cases with treating both spleen and lung or both spleen and kidney and received satisfying effects.

1. Treatment of both lung and spleen: it is applicable to subsidence of edema and lose of albuminuria with recurrent attacks due to easily affected. Modification of Yu Ping Feng San: Huang Qi, Fang Feng, Bai Zhu, Ban Lan Gen, Yi Yi Ren, Yu mi Xu, Bai Mao Gen, Pu Gong Ying and Yi Mu Cao. Modification: add Jing Jie, prepared Dou Chi and Zhi Zi for aversion to cold, and fever with anidrosis; add Qian Hu, Xing Ren and Chan Tui for cough; add Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao, Shan Dou Gen and She Gan for red, swelling and sore throat; add Che Qian Zi (packaged with cloth) and Chi Xiao Dou for edema with recurrent attacks; add Cang Zhu, Huang Bai, Di Fu Zi, Bai Xian Pi and Ku Shen for skin infection and eczema itching; add Dang Shen and change Huang Qi to Sheng Ma, Sang Piao Ling and Huang Jing.

2. Treatment of both spleen and kidney: Albumen is the essence of human body and material basis of kidney yin. The quantities of albuminuria lose is the symptoms of kidney qi instability and yin deficiency. Modification of Da Bu Yuan Jian: Huai Shan Yao, Huang Qi, raw Di Huang, prepared Di Huang, Cang Zhu, Bai Zhu, Du Zhong, Xi Xin, prepared Gan Cao, prepared Shou Wu, Yi Yi Ren, Fu Pen Zi and He Tao Rou. Modification: Ba Ji Tian, prepared Fu Zi and Bu Gu Zhi for aversion to cold, loose stool, pale tongue, deep and thready pulse; add prepared Bie Jia, Suan Zao Ren, Huang Bai, Huang Lian and Rou Gui for feverish face, restlessness, insomnia, dark red tongue border, and thready and wiry pulse; add Sheng Ma, Dang Shen, Chai Hu and Bai Shao Yao for deficiency of lung and spleen and distention of lower abdomen; add Shan Zha and Hu Zhang for hyperlipemia; add Gou Qi Zi, Tian Ma and Sang Ji Sheng for soreness on lumbar region, tinnitus and dizzness; add Zi He Che Fen for reduction of urine protein without plasma proteins concentration increasing.

Key words: chronic nephritis, albuminuria, differentiation

Writer: Jiafeng Huang

Hanjiang district hospital, Putian, Fujian province (351111)


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