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Traumatology and Orthopedics

There are three methods including acupuncture with reinforcing and warming techniques; acupuncture and moxa; irradiation given by laser apparatus.

Differentiation: 8 cases of wandering Bi syndrome; 86 cases of painful Bi syndrome; 14 cases of fixed Bi syndrome.

Acupuncture with reinforcing and warming techniques: we hold needle with thumb and index finger of right hand, touch point with middle finger; insert needle into point quickly from shallow to deep; after patient feels soreness and distention,  we rotate needle with thumb forward 3 to 5 times, rapidly thrust and slowly lift needle several times until patient feels warming sensation; we retain needles 20 minutes.

Acupuncture and moxa: we insert 1 cun length moxa stick on the handle of needle, ignite the bottom of moxa stick so the warming can flow into point through needle body, we retain needle 20 minutes. Or we prefer moxa box with retaining of 20 minutes.

Irradiation given by laser apparatus: we use low frequency of He-Ne laser to irradiate every point with lasting 5 minutes, irradiation duration is less than 20 minutes.

We choose points according to differentiation and local selection.

In general, Wandering Bi syndrome: Fengmen (BL12), Fengshi (GB31); Painful Bi syndrome: Quchi (LI11) He-Sea Point, Sanyinjiao (SP6); Fixed Bi syndrome: Xuehai (SP10), Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point. Upper limbs: three points on the shoulder, LI11, Shousanli (LI10), Tianjing (TE10), Waiguan (TE5) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point, Yangchi (TE4) Yuan-Source Point, Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point, Zhongzhu (TE3) Shu-Stream Point, Ba Xie etc; Lower limbs: Huantiao (GB30 ), Chengfu (BL36), Biguan (ST31), Liangqiu (ST34), Dubi (ST35), ST36, Xuanzhong (GB39) Influential Point of the Marrow, Jiexi (ST41) Jing-River Point, Shangqiu (SP5) Jing-Well Point, Qiuxu (GB40) Yuan-Primary Point, Ba Feng etc; Low back: corresponding back-shu points such as Shenshu (BL23), Dachangshu (BL25) and Ciliao (BL32) etc.

Treatment is done once every other day, 12 times are one treatment course, patient should take 7 to 10 days break between two courses.


Best effect we get is from group of acupuncture and moxa, effective rate is 93.55%, cured rate reaches to 70.97%; in acupuncture with reinforcing and warming group, effective rate is 95.12%, cured rate is 51.23%; in group of irradiation given by acupuncture, effective rate is 97.22%, cured rate reaches to 38.89%.

All of three methods can produce warming sensation but with different degrees, according to skin temperature test: temperature from group of acupuncture and moxa increases 5~6℃; temperature from acupuncture with reinforcing and warming group increases 0.85~1℃; temperature from irradiation given by acupuncture group increase 0.8~1℃, so acupuncture and moxa group has obvious warming effect; irradiation given by laser can produce warming but warming can not penetrate very deep ( only 10 to 15mm deep ), at the same time, irradiation can not control stimulation, so irradiation is not same obvious effect with the other two methods although it has high effective result.

There are different effects in three types of differentiation, effect on painful bi syndrome is most effective and effect on fixed bi syndrome is not good; from western medicine, effect on Osteoporosis change is not good.

Key words: Treatment, Bi syndrome

Writer: Wu Xijing, Cui Yulan, Wang Lianqing, Zhang Hairong


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