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Internal Medicine

Midnight abdominal pain is that the abdominal pain occurs at midnight. Severe pain in abdomen starts at 23:00, begins in right flank, then turns to abdominal and the pain relieves at 1:00 by itself. Everything gets normal after that. There are 8 cases of midnight abdominal pain and all of them are female outpatients. The eldest is 39 years old and the youngest is 28 years old. Treatment: prescriptions: Suan Zao Ren, Chai Hu, Chuan Xiong, Bai Yao, Xiang Fu, Zhi Ke, vinegar made Chen Pi and prepared Gan Cao. Add Dang Gui, Yu Jin and Wu Yao for severe pain; add Shan Zhi and Chuan Lian Zi for excess heat due to liver stagnation. Usage: decoct drugs at 22:00 for twice, and take 500ml liquid, then drink out it.
Treatment results: the total effective rate is 100%.

Key words: Jia Wei Chai Hu Shu Gan San, midnight abdominal pain

Writer: Zengyan Dai

The third people’s traditional medical department, Qidong, Jiangsu province (226200)


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