Pancreatitis is one of the common acute abdominal syndromes, and the main features are urgent, severe abdominal pain, and vomiting etc. Most of them have no history of this disease, and part of them have biliary calculus, cholecystitis combining with pancreatitis, or acute attack of chronic pancreatitis. Treatments: self-made Qing Yi Tong Jiang Tang: Huang Lian, Ban Xia, Zhi Shi, Chuan Lian Zi, Chuang Xiong, Mu Xiang, Chi Shao, Yan Hu Suo, Fu Ling and Shan Zha. Modifications: add Da Huang (decocted later) and Bing Lang for abdominal distention and constipation; add Da Fu Pi and Ze Xie for Diarrhea; and add Bai Shao and Gan Cao for severe abdominal pain.
Treatment results: the abdominal pain is relieved obviously, vomiting stops and abdominal distention is dispelled after taking the drugs for 3 days. The syndromes are relieved obviously with 1 dose at the soonest and 12 doses at most. The syndromes disappear in one week on average, and the effect is better than the single western medicine treatment.
Key words: Qing Yi Tong Jiang Tang, acute and chronic pancreatitis
Writer: Zhujin Qiao
Dong He Tie Xi hospital, Bao tou, Inner Mongolia (014040)