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Ingredients: Ren Shen, Chuan Xiong, Lu Tai powder, Yin Chai Hu, Mu Dan Pi, Chen Xiang, Wu Zhu Yu, Rou Gui, Yan Hu Su, Mu Xiang, Xiang Fu, Dang Gui, Hai Piao Qiao, Qing Pi, Jing Jie, Pao Jiang, Dan Shen, E Jiao, Ze Xie, Fu Zi, Gan Cao, Tao Ren, Du Zhong, Niu Xi, Hong Hua, Dou Kou, Lu Rong, Fu Ling, Ru Lu powder, Sha Ren, Bai Zhu, Chen Pi, Gui Jia, Gan Xi, Jiao Bing Lang, Bie Jia, Shu Di Huang, E Zhu, Hou Pu (prepared by ginger), Xiao Hui Xiang (prepared with salt), Bai Shao Yao, Pu Huang charcoal, Chi Shao Yao, San Leng.

Indications: regulating meridian, stopping bleeding, warming uterus, stopping leucorrhea, removing stasis to promote generation. It can be used for irregular menstruation, fatigue of four limbs, leucorrhea, past partum abdominal pain.

Method and dosage: oral taking. 4 capsules each time, 3 times a day, taking with warm water.

Attention: It should be cautiously taken by patient with preceded menstrual cycle. Pregnant woman can not use. It should not be taken by patient with yin deficiency and interior heat. Enclosed storage in dry place.


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