This diagnostic method uses an electrical detector to measure auricular electrical resistance. When disease is present in the body, there may be an obvious decrease in electrical resistance in the corresponding auricular points. This phenomenon allows measurement of auricular electrical resistance to be an effective tool in establishing a diagnosis.
Method: Each individual’s basic electrical resistance is different, so a basic standard should be established in each case before proceeding. It has been found that the electrical resistance of the upper root of the auricle can be taken as the basic electrical resistance. It is found by placing one electrode of the detector on the upper root of the auricle and regulating the potentiometer until a faint sound is heard. The resulting measurement is used as the standard when measuring other auricular points. Areas where the electrical resistance is lower than standard are referred to as positive, or highly conductive, electrical resistance points.
Positive electrical resistance points are classified into two grades according to their degree of electrical resistance. The electrical resistance of intensely positive points is the lowest, usually accompanied by stabbing pain on the points during measurement; the electrical resistance of positive points is somewhat lower than standard, sometimes accompanied by stabbing pain on the points during measurement.
Intensely positive points usually correspond to the primary affected area of the body. Cases of acute disease usually show an obvious decrease of auricular electrical resistance; cases of chronic disease often do not. Therefore, measurement of auricular electrical resistance can be helpful in distinguishing the course and stage of the problem.