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Dispel Wind and Invigorate  Collaterals

Ingredients: Dan Nan Xing, prepared Chuan Wu, prepared Cao Wu, Di Long, prepared Ru Xiang, prepared Mo Yao.

Indications: dispelling wind, eliminating dampness, invigorating flow of blood, activating collaterals. It can often be used for treatment of stroke and blockage syndrome. The symptoms includes hemiplegy, numbness or pain of hands and feet, or limbs joints pain, difficult flexion and extension, etc. We now often use it for treatment of paraplegia that is sequela of cerebrovascular accident, rheumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis etc.

Method and dosage: honey pill: 3g per pill, 10 pills each box, oral taking for adult, 1 pill each time, 2 times a day.

Attention: The function of the patent herb is severe; it is fit for patient with excess body condition. It should be cautiously used by patient with yin deficiency and heat, pregnant woman.


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