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Dispel Wind and Invigorate  Collaterals

Ingredients: She Xiang, Tian Ma, Ru Xiang, Mo Yao, Ding Xiang, Bai Zhu, Dang Gui, Gui Ban, Ren Shen, Rou Gui, He Shou Wu, Fang Feng, Chen Xiang, Xin She, Wu Qiao She, Bing Pian, Wei Ling Xian, Di Long etc 50 herbs.

Indications: eliminating wind, resolving dampness, regulating qi, relieving phlegm, soothing meridian, activating collaterals. It can be used for qi and blood deficiency, deficiency of liver-kidney, wind-phlegm obstructing meridians resulting in stroke, blockage syndrome, chest blockage etc. The symptoms includes hemiplegy, hemiplegia, suddenly collapsed, fainting, or wind cold dampness blockage, joint pain etc. We now often use it for treatment of facial paralysis, cerebral thrombosis, rheumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, coronary heart disease, angina etc.

Method and dosage: honey pill: 3g per pill, 10 pills each box, oral taking, 1 pill each time, 1-2 times a day.

Attention: It is prohibited of getting angry, coldness. Pregnant woman cannot use.


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