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Dispel Wind and Invigorate  Collaterals

Ingredients: Chuan Xiong 120g, Dan Shen 90g, Huang Qi 180g, Ze Xie 60g, San Qi 60g, Huai Hua 30g, Mu Xiang 30g, etc.

Indications: invigorating flow of blood, resolving stagnation, warming meridians and activating collaterals. It can be used for hyperlipidemia, spirit slack caused by cerebral thrombosis, stiff tongue, unclear speech and pronunciation, coldness sensation of hands and feet, pain during movement.

Method and dosage: oral taking, 6 tablets per time, 3 times a day.

Attention: (1) Raw and cold, spicy, greasy food are prohibited.
         (2) Pregnant woman cannot use.
         (3) Patient with qi and yin deficiency cannot use.
         (4) Patient who dose not suffer from blood stagnation should not use.


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