There are 110 males and 70 females in this 180 cases group, and the youngest is 8 years old. Prescriptions: Hu Zhang, San Qi, Chuan Bei (made by pig bile), Chuan Lian, Shi Chang Pu, Xin Yi Hua, Cang Er Zi, Bai Zhi and Bo He. Internal application: put the drugs powder into capsule, 0.5g for one pills; oral taking 6 pills for once, 3 times a day, discretionary reduction for kids, and one month treatment is one course. External Application: grind the drugs of 5g and Bing Peng San of 1.5g into fine powder and blow a little into nose; 3 times a day. Apply it with the internal drugs at the same time.
Results: the total effect is 89%.
Key words: Hu Zhang Cang Er San, chronic rhinitis
Writer: Zhongping Yang
Tang hospital, Wuzhou, Guangdong province (524568)