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ENT and Dental
Ingredients: Shui Niu Jiao powder, Ye Ju Hua, Jin Jie, Ban Lan Gen.
Indications: detoxification heat, cooling blood and reducing swelling. It can be used for throat problems such as sore throat with swelling tonsil, yellow-white secretions on tonsil, difficult swallowing, and blocked sensation in throat, tongue coating thin yellow, floating and fast pulse. Especially exogenous heat causing sore throat is the most suitable. Modern commonly used in acute pharyngitis, acute purulent tonsillitis, fever and upper respiratory tract inflammation, and other diseases.
Method and dosage: tablet, 100 / bottle, 6 tablets / 3-4 times / day; granules: 20g / pack, 1 pack / 2-3 times / day.
Attention: It does not fit for cold type of sore throat. Avoid alcohol and tobacco, fishy odour foods.


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