1. External invasion from pathogenic wind heat: phengophobia, lacrimation, accompanied with fever, headache, pain in the supra-orbital bone, slight spotted, star-like, tree-like infiltration on cornea, positive luciferin tinction, ciliary congestion. Prescriptions: Sang Ye, Ju Hua, Jin Jie, Fang Feng, Jin Ying Hua, Chan Tui, Mu Zei Cao, Bo He, Ban Lan Gen.
2. Excess heat in liver: phengophobia, lacrimation, more serious syndromes than the former type, darker infiltration, white ulcer surface, no fever, severe headache, dry and bitter mouth. Prescription: Long Dan Cao, Zhi Zi, Huang Qin, Chai Hu, rew Di Huang, Che Qian Zi, Ze Xie, Mu Tong, Gan Cao, Dang Gui and Mu Zei Cao.
3. Liver heat with stasis: phengophobia, lacrimation, deep infiltration, haze edema, new vessels invasion of cornea, obvious mixed congestion, corneal perforation and complication of uveitisif, etc without proper treatment. Prescription: Da Qing Ye, Ban Lan Gen, rew Di Huang, Dang Gui, Chi Shao, Chuan Xiong, Tao Ren, Hong Hua and Da Huang.
4. Yin deficiency and excess heat in liver: dryness of eyes or itching, nubecula or maculaor on cornea. Prescriptions: Mu Dan Pi, Zhi Zi, Dang Gui, Bai Shao, Hong Chai Hu, Fu Ling, Bai Zhu, Gan Cao, Bo He, Che Qian Zi, Chan Tui, Cao Jue Ming and rew Di Huang. Add Dang Shen and Huang Qi to support vital qi for ulcer in long term and physique weaker patients.
Apply Atropine of 1% eye drips to sufficiently dilate the pupils for all the types above except yindeficiency and excess heat. Apply acyclovir and antibiotic eye drips in local. Add antibiotic oculentum when the stimulating symptoms get obvious, once a day with packaged application.
Key words: herbal treatment according to differentiation, herpes simplex keratitis
Writer: Jingchi Tian
Xiantao Traditional Chinese medicine hospital, Hubei province (433000)