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Injury & Trauma

Ingredients: Man Jing Zi, Mu Mian Hua, onion, Song Jie You, Ye Ju Hua, garlic, Ru Di Jin Niu, Ma Qian Zi, Hai Feng Teng, Hong Hua, Tu Tian Qi etc.

Indications: stopping bleeding and pain, relieving stasis, resolving tumefaction, promoting regeneration of tissues. It can be used for traumatic injury, swelling and pain, scald and burn, trauma, bleeding. It can be especially used for closed injury with bleeding, swelling and pain on each part of the body.
Method and dosage: smearing patent herb: 10ml per bottle, exterior apply, pasting.

Attention: open injury, it cannot be used for deep 2 degrees and 3 degrees of burn.


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