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Injury & Trauma

Ingredients: Ma Qian Zi, Ma Huang, Ru Xiang, Mo Yao.

Indications: invigorating flow of blood, dispersing stagnation, relieving tumefaction, stopping pain. It can be used for traumatic injury, blood stagnation, swelling and pain. We now often use it for treatment of benign joint pain, joint muscle strain, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

Method and dosage: powder: 2.7g per package (9 Fen), 1 package each time, 1 time a day. Taking after meals, the dosage should not be excessive, taking with warm water or yellow wine. Appropriate dosage be dissolved in white wine and pasted on affected area.

Attention: It is prohibited for pregnant woman, patient with hypertension, kidney disease. Children and weak body patient should take it according to doctor’s order. There is toxicity in the powder, you cannot take excessive dosage. It cannot be pasted for open wound with bleeding. You can treat according to poisoning of “ Ma Qian Zi”, if there is poisoning symptoms.


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