Pseudomembranous colitis is the Diarrhea after taking broad spectrum antibiotics; patchy pseudomembrane can be seen in the stools by naked eye; if it is the mucous stool, soak stools in 20ml water, and there is pseudomembrane in the upper layer; mottled yellowish-white pseudomembrane with different sizes can be seen on the colonic surface by sigmoidoscopy; besides, exclude other type of diarrhea. All the patients are divided into treatment group and contract group. There are 20 cases in treatment group.
Treatments: all the patients stop taking original antibiotics and take Yin Chen Bai Zhi Tang: Yin Chen, Bai Zhi, Qin Pi, Fu Ling Pi, Huang Bai and Huo Xiang. Modification: add Chuan Lian Zi and Yan Hu Suo for abdominal pain; add Rou Gui and Chen Xiang for abdominal distention due to excess of cold and damp; add Dang Shen, Huang Qi, Fu Ling and Bai Zhu for deficiency of spleen and stomach; add Chai Hu and Long Dan Cao for excess of damp and heat; add Ban Xia and Xuan Fu Hua for vomiting. One dose a day, be decocted with water for three times, blend them and take in half hour after meal. 7 doses-treatment is one course. Apply vancomycin of 0.5g with intravenous drip for control group, twice a day. Do fluid infusion for the both groups accordingly to keep water electrolyte balanced and correct disorder acid-base balance.
Results: there are 20 cases cured in treatment group with 6 days in shortest and 15 days in longest. There are 6 cases cured, 2 cases improved and 2 cases failed in 10-case control group.
Key words: pseudomembranous colitis, Yin Chen Bai Zhi Tang
Writer: Jixiang Hou
People's hospital of Heng ren county, Liaoning province