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Traumatology and Orthopedics
Xiao Zhong Zhi Tong Tang obtains good effect for the treatment of symptoms of early stage of fracture including swollen, pain after pressing, pain after knocking. All of patients are randomly divided into experimental group with 25 cases, medical control group with 11 cases and no medicine control group with 20 cases. Ingredients of Xiao Zhong Zhi Tong Tang have Chai Hu, Hong Hua, Chi Shao, prepared Ru Xiang, prepared Mo Yao, Wei Ling Xian, Xu Duan, Ju Hua, Di Ding and Gan Cao. Medical control group applies Huo Xue Zhi Tong Tang and He Ying Zhi Tong Tang, both groups use splint fixed and bandage bandaged. Control group is only treated by splint fixed and bandage bandaged.
We compare the time of swollen, pain after pressing and pain after knocking disappeared on three groups, except that there is no significant difference of pain after knocking on experimental group and control groups, there are significant differences of all of other symptoms on experimental group and control groups, so time of pain disappeared on medical control group is quicker than that of no medicine control group, time of pain disappeared on experimental group is quicker than control group.
Key words: Xiao Zhong Zhi Tong Tang, fracture
Writer: Jingping Han, Chun Chang
Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Hebi City, Henan Province


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