Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is the most common chronic complication of diabetes and is treated by combined therapy with herbal internal and external application and venous transfusion. The patients’ main syndromes of neuropathy are: numbness of four limbs, pain (burning pain, stabbing pain and lightning pain), itching, formication, coldness of both hands and feet, distension of both hands, weakness and convulsion of lower limbs, abnormal sense. Fasting blood-glucose is 7.1~23.4mmol/L. 39 of them take oral anti-diabetes drugs, 8 of them take insulin and keep on taking the former anti-diabetes drugs in the treatment periods.
Treatments: (1) internal application: raw Huang Qi, Shan Yao, Cang Zhu, Sheng Di Huang, Bei Sha Shen, Yin Yang Huo, Dan Shen, Ge Gen, Mu Dan Pi, Di Long, Chi Shao, Bai Shao and Mu Gua. (2) external application: Hong Hua, Chuan Xiong, Chuan Niu Xi and Jiang Huang; be decocted with water, deslag, soak the gauze with liquid medicine, and apply the gauze on Yongquan (KI1) Jing-Well Point of both feet; 30 minutes treatment on each time with field effect therapy instrument, once a day, 20 days for one course, 5 days break between the both courses of treatments and 3 courses of treatments in total. (3) Venous transfusion: add the Huang Qi injection solution and Dan Shen Fen injection into physiological saline respectively, and do intravenous drip by steps; once a day and 15 days for one course, take the second course after 10 days break and 3 courses in total. Measure the both MNCV and SNCV of all the cases after and before the treatments.
Treatment results: The total effective rate is 87.5%.
Key words: diabetes, peripheral neuropathy
Writer: Junjie Guo, Cuimei Yin
Traditional Chinese medicine Academy of Shanxi province (030012)