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Cupping Therapy
TCM believes that back-shu points of UB meridians located on both sides of vertebra are the places where the qi of internal zang and fu organs are infused, so cupping on back-shu points can regulate essential qi of internal zang and fu organs. Western medicine thinks that vertebra is the pillar of body and its spinal cord is the bridge of brain with body parts and internal organs, at the same time, nerves originate from both sides of vertebra. So there are four types depending on nerves distribution and meridian points.
  1. cervical vertebra: diseases on head, neck, shoulder, arms and hand such as dizziness, headache, neck stiffness, cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder.
  2. upper part of thoracic vertebra: from T1 to T6, diseases on heart, lung, chest such as palpitation, fullness on the chest, shortness of breathing, asthma, chest pain.
  3. lower part of thoracic vertebra: from T7 to T12, diseases on liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, intestines such as indigestion, gastritis, abdominal pain, constipation.
  4. lumbar vertebra: diseases on kidney, urinary bladder, reproductive system, low back, legs such as dysmenorrhea, leukorrhea, impotence, spur, sciatic pain, paralysis, pain.


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