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Benefit Heart & Vassal

Ingredients: Tian Ma, Qi She (snake), Jiang Can, Quan Xie, Di Long, Tie Si Wei Ling Xian, Bai Fu Zi, Jue Ming Zi, Niu Xi, Mo Yao, Xue Jie, Dan Shen, Chuan Xiong, Chi Shao Yao, Xuan Shen, Sang Ji Sheng, Ge Gen, Xiang Fu, Gu Sui Bu, Huai Mi, Yu Jin, Chen Xiang, Zhi Ke, An Xi Xiang, Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, Mai Dong ,Fu Ling, Huang Lian, Huang Qin, Di Huang, Ze Xie, Fa Ban Xia, Huang Qi, Shan Zha, Shui Niu Jiao concentrated powder, Niu Huang, Zhen Zhu, Bing Pian (borneol).

Indications: invigorating flow of blood, lowering hypertension, resolving phlegm to stop wind. It can be used for dizziness due to hyperactivity of liver yang, stiff neck and head distention sensation, fullness and hot feeling in chest, frightened and deficiency irritability, hemiplegy, wry mouth with distorted eyes, excessive phlegm and sputum, unclear speaking, hypertension.

Method and dosage: oral taking, 1 pill each time, 2 times each day, taking with warm water or yellow wine.

Attention: pungent, greasy, fatty, sweetish and oily foods are prohibited.


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