Characteristics of infantile autumn diarrhea: 1. mostly occurring on autumn and winter, epidemic tendency; 2. mostly happening on infants below 3 years old; 3. watery stool with yellow or white color, undigested milk or food, foul smell, stool is not frequent but large amount every time, pale lip and tongue body, scanty urination, thirst with preference to drink water. On the case with infection on whole body, toxic symptom is mild but dehydration is severe. Late stage of Diarrhea can easily injure spleen and kidney yang qi; 4. no pus blood on stool, no tenesmus.
Ingredients of Li Qin Tang include Bai Zhu 20g, Dang Shen 15g, Gan Jiang 10g, Gan Cao 10g, Fu Ling 10g, Ze Xie 10g, Zhu Ling 10g, Gui Zhi 10g, Wu Mei 10g, Zao Xin Tu 30g. We decoct ingredients and take fluid, 1- 2 spoonful dosage a time and four times a day are used, daily milk and food are suitably decreased, intake of slightly salty rice soup and warming tea are increased.
All of 100 patients are cured, effective rate is 100%, cured amount within 1 day is 29 and 2 days is 71.
Key words: infantile autumn diarrhea, Li Qin Tang
Writer: Sanwei Wang
Mental Hosptial in Tianmen city, Hubei province ( 431719 )