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Promote Urination & Reserve Urine

Ingredients: Qian Niu Zi, Da Huang, Gan Sui, Yuan Hua, Da Ji, Chen Pi, Qing Pi, Mu Xiang, Bing Lang, Qing Fen.

Indications: moving qi, expelling water, relieving turgescence, treating and excreting urine and stool. It can be used for edema and tympanites, both excess of body and qi syndrome. Basic symptoms are turgescence of chest and abdomen, rapid and difficult breath, red face, thirsty, urine obstruction and constipation, deep rapid pulse with strength. We now often use it for acute, chronic nephritis, peritonitis, hepatocirrhosis or late schistosomiasis with ascites, which have above symptoms.

Method and dosage: water-paste pills: 100 pills weight is 6g, 1.5-4.5g each time, 2 times each day. You can stop using when the edema is reduced, oral taking with warm water before meals.

Attention: It is prohibited to weak person and pregnant woman. For non-excess of body and qi, it is better not to take, also always not to take for long. It may not be taken together with Gan Cao.


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